What is Percentage Change Calculator?
A percentage change calculator is a tool that can be used to quickly and easily calculate the percentage change (increase or decrease) between two values. This can be helpful in a variety of contexts, such as finance, economics, or statistics, to understand the relative change in a particular variable over time. Percentage Change Calculator takes two inputs, the original value and the new value, and calculates the percentage change as (new value – original value) / original value * 100.
Percentage change is a way to express the relative change (increase or decrease) between an old value and a new value as a percentage of the old value. It is a measure of how much a value or quantity has been changed over time or between two different points.
What is Percentage Change Formula?
Percentage change formula is given below:
Percentage Change = (final value – initial_value) / |initial value| × 100
Percentage change is calculated on the basis of above formula as (final value – initial_value) and divide this by the absolute/ mod of initial value and multiplying this by 100. The resultant of this formula is a percentage change. If this percentage change is positive, that means percentage is increased and if this percentage change is negative, that means percentage is decreased else no change. You may also use our simple and easy to use Percentage change calculator, just enter the initial and final values, and it automatically calculates percentage change for you.
How to Calculate Percentage Change?
To calculate percentage change, we need to follow these steps-
- Subtract the initial value from final value.
- Divide this (step-1) by the absolute of initial value.
- Multiply the result by 100.
- Easy way is to use our free calculator; just enter initial and final values and it automatically calculates the percentage change for you.
Examples of calculating percentage change
In first example, suppose we have a change in value from 50 to 30, and to know about percent change, follow the steps below:
- Input 50 as the initial value and 30 as the final value in above formula.
- Subtract initial value from final value; 30-50 = -20;
- Now, take absolute of the initial value i.e 50
- Divide -20 by 50, you will get -0.4
- And the last step is to multiply -0.4 by 100 = -40%
that means that the percentage is decreased by -40% (- sign showing a decrease). You may check the result in the above percentage change calculator.
In second example, suppose we have a change in value from 50 to 75, and to know about percent change, follow the steps below:
- Input 50 as the initial value and 75 as the final value in above formula.
- Subtract initial value from final value; 70-55 = 25;
- Now, take absolute of the initial value i.e 50
- Divide 25 by 50, you will get 0.5
- And the last step is to multiply 0.5 by 100 = 50%
that means that the percentage is increased by 50%. You may check the result in the above calculator also.